Common Power Quality Issues:

Power quality issues can cause disruptions, downtime, and equipment damage for businesses and homeowners alike. From voltage fluctuations to harmonics, there are many factors that can impact the quality of power in your electrical system. To help you identify potential problems and prevent costly consequences, we've compiled a list of some of the most common power quality issues that you may encounter.


Electrical equipment overheating and burnout: Power quality problems such as voltage sags, surges, and transients can cause electrical equipment to overheat and burnout. This can lead to costly repairs and downtime.

Electronic equipment failures: Power quality problems can also cause electronic equipment such as computers, servers, and telecommunication equipment to fail. This can result in data loss, downtime, and financial losses.

Power supply failures: Power quality problems such as voltage dips and interruptions can cause power supplies to fail. This can lead to equipment shutdowns and process interruptions.

Lighting failures: Power quality problems can cause lighting systems to fail prematurely. This can result in decreased visibility and safety hazards.

Transformer failures: Power quality problems can cause transformers to overheat and fail. This can lead to costly repairs and downtime.

Harmonic distortion: Harmonic distortion can cause problems such as flickering lights, overheating of equipment, and interference with electronic equipment.

Increased energy consumption: Power quality problems can increase energy consumption and result in higher energy bills.

Unreliable power supply: Power quality problems can cause power outages and other disruptions to the power supply, which can be costly and inconvenient.

Data loss: Power quality problems can cause data loss, which can be disastrous for businesses that rely on data for their operations.

Electrical noise: Power quality problems can cause electrical noise, which can interfere with communication systems and other sensitive equipment

These power quality issues can result in various negative consequences, including decreased equipment lifespan, increased maintenance costs, reduced productivity, data loss, and potential safety hazards. To mitigate these challenges, industries often invest in power quality solutions such as voltage regulators, surge protectors, active voltage conditioners, and harmonic filters. Identifying and addressing these power quality issues is crucial for ensuring smooth and efficient operations in industrial and commercial settings.

The top power quality issues identified by the industrial and commercial industries

Industrial and commercial industries often encounter a range of power quality issues that can impact their operations and equipment. Some of the top power quality issues identified in these sectors include:

  1. Voltage Sags and Swells: Sudden and temporary drops (sags) or increases (swells) in voltage levels can disrupt equipment operation, cause malfunctions, and lead to production interruptions.

  2. Voltage Fluctuations: Gradual and frequent voltage variations outside normal limits can affect the performance and lifespan of sensitive electronic equipment.

  3. Harmonics: Non-linear loads in the system can generate harmonic currents and voltages, leading to increased energy losses, equipment overheating, and reduced system efficiency.

  4. Transient Voltage Disturbances: Short-duration voltage spikes or surges, often caused by lightning strikes or switching operations, can damage equipment and lead to data loss.

  5. Power Factor Issues: Low power factor can result in higher energy consumption, increased utility charges, and reduced system efficiency.

  6. Electromagnetic Interference (EMI): Electrical noise and interference can impact the performance of sensitive electronic equipment and disrupt communication systems.

  7. Frequency Variations: Deviations from the standard frequency can lead to synchronization issues in industrial processes and affect the operation of time-sensitive equipment.

  8. Unbalanced Voltages and Currents: Imbalances in three-phase systems can cause uneven loading on equipment, leading to overheating and reduced efficiency.

  9. Flicker: Rapid changes in voltage levels can cause visible flickering in lighting systems and negatively impact the quality of light in commercial spaces.

  10. Voltage Unpredictability: Inconsistent voltage levels can affect the stability of equipment and lead to unpredictable system behavior.

  11. Resonance: Interaction between system components can lead to resonance, causing voltage distortion, overheating, and equipment damage.

  12. Voltage Notching: Brief interruptions in voltage supply can affect equipment operation and disrupt sensitive processes.

Don't let power quality issues impact your bottom line.

Power quality issues can have significant consequences on the operation and efficiency of electrical systems. By understanding the common issues that can arise, such as voltage sags, harmonics, and power factor correction, businesses can take proactive steps to mitigate these problems.

This is where Encompass Power comes in - we offer a range of solutions and services to help ensure that your electrical systems are functioning at their best, including power quality analysis, equipment installation, and ongoing maintenance.